Kong - traducción al francés
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Kong - traducción al francés

KONG; Kong (disambiguation); Kong (song)

Kong, family name; town in the Ivory Coast colony (French West Africa)
Hong Kong         
n. Hong Kong, territory under the sovereignty of China and comprised of the Kowloon peninsula and a number of islands (including the island of Hong Kong) off the Chinese mainland
Hong Kong, territory under the sovereignty of China and comprised of the Kowloon peninsula and a number of islands (including the island of Hong Kong) off the Chinese mainland


<networking> The country code for Hong Kong. (1999-01-27)



Kong may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Kong
1. Kong.
Ng _ Talks at Google
2. Kong, China.
Rich People Problems _ Kevin Kwan _ Talks at Google
3. Donkey Kong?
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
4. by the Kongō family,
5. Singapore or Hong Kong.
Tubes - A Journey to the Center of the Internet _ Andrew Blum _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Kong
1. Hong Kong compte huit grandes universités dont Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese University of Hong Kong et lUniversité libre.
2. Et je me dis: «Ce doit ętre Clark Gable!» 1'33 Le Fils de Kong (Son of Kong) (Ernest B.
3. Gonflé d‘orgueil, Sun Wu Kong devient imprévisible.
4. King Kong s‘inscrit, davantage qu‘ils n‘attendaient, dans leur réalité quotidienne.
5. Hong Kong, Singapour et l‘Australie arrivent en tęte.